Staying Healthy as Military Retiree


Staying Healthy as a Military Retiree is a challenge. One the most intriguing approaches to living is developing a plan to maintain good health. Especially now that I’m not required to maintain a certain height and weight standard. I have been retired from the military for several years, and I will say that I don’t miss the daily mandatory fitness training. However, that mire thought is a problem within itself.

Becoming Self Inspired is critical to Health and Fitness was hard at first, since no one, or the job requires it, or enforces it, formerly known soldiers becomes blobs. I’m not the only one. I mentally and physically over came the lack of guidance though and so can you. I started walking and now it is part of my daily routine. Besides the Doctor banned me running because she said it was doing my body more harm than helping it. I still do some muscular endurance as well, nothing to strenuous

Eating is a part of life I mean if you don’t eat you die. Socialization is at the forefront when eating and drinking. The problem is we don’t utilize any scientific analysis or data to help us in consuming food. Staying Healthy while eating is a new lifestyle. I’m guilty of that as well. I use to say “I eat what I like” and in most cases I still do but now I eat what I like with moderation, portions, timing, and proper nutrients in mind. I have found out that my metabolism is burning that food a bit slower than it use to. So I help my body out by thinking in advance about the calories I’m consuming, and what it is going to take to burn them off

Check-up are necessary. I would like to think that I could fix it all myself but that educated, trained, paid, physician is the subject matter expert. Since I still am fortunate enough to have insurance, why not make them earn their money. Sometimes when I just can’t figure it out or like when I did go see my doctor or like when she scared me with the news of high blood pressure. That alone was enough to let me know that I needed help. Staying healthy requires the doctor input.

Visiting the doctor is as important to Health and Fitness as getting oil changed on you car. In the military it is mandatory to do most check-ups or someone gets in trouble. So I change the check-up routine when I got out of the military and that was definitely a bad decision. Because as you age your bodily maintaining function don’t become less they do the exact opposite, they increase. If you are old you know what I mean. I beg of you visit the doctor annually

Mind Control, as a soldier you didn’t really have to do much thinking about staying fit or healthy. You were that vessel. That expendable tool the Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, and Coast Guard depended upon. You knew to stay fit or you would be replaced. The regulation demanded a Healthy and Fit soldier. and now it seems no one cares if you are fit are not. I got news for you, your life depends on it. So get back to exercising, and eating right because we need you here on this side of life. No matter what Staying Healthy because you are unique.

Relaxing is one of those things that is hard to come by. You know the world couldn’t survive without your contributions. Staying Healthy is getting away to relax. Even in the military and doing all phases of training and warring they provided us the opportunity to take some time off. Mostly in training we all had the opportunity to take leave or some days off. During times of war they gave us R&R (Rest and Relaxation) some times to remote places away from the battle field. At this point in my life I’m sorry but I relax everyday. You can do that as well with this opportunity.

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